Check In With Ourselves

“Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.” (Mooji)

Feelings are temporary. They change throughout the day, coming and going for many reasons. Sometimes we have more than one visiting at a time. Learning to identify our emotions helps us to better gauge and manage how we feel in the moment. Naming our emotions can bridge the gap between thoughts and feelings, making the step from “I am this…” (e.g., I am angry) to “I am feeling this…” (e.g., I feel angry). This can remind us that we are not that emotion – we are simply experiencing it. And that what we are feeling is temporary. It will change. When we pause to notice and name our feelings, we may better understand why we are experiencing them. We learn to express our feelings, understand the feelings of others, manage our energy, recognize sources of stress, cope with challenges and develop personal resilience.

In today’s Wellness Wednesday, we explore why it can help to check in with ourselves.

Try this:

As a class, group, or family:

· Talk about why it is important to be able to identify our feelings (i.e., helps us understand how we’re feeling at the moment, gives us a chance to step back and choose what to do about our feelings, allows us to respond to emotions in respond in constructive ways, improves academic productivity and overall classroom/home climate, etc.).

· Next, take a moment and check in with yourself about how you feel right now. We can use SMHO’s Feelings Flashcards (LINK: to help us identify the emoji that we resonate with at the moment. Think to yourself about why you chose that flashcard and what emotion you see in the image.

· Share with the group what feelings flashcard matches how you are feeling. Since the images on the flashcards may mean different things to each of us, consider asking everyone to talk about why they chose a certain flashcard.

· Brainstorm times during the day when it may be helpful to do a quick check-in with yourself or as a group (i.e., beginning of the day, during a travel or transition time, start of a new class, at

dinner or bedtime, etc.). These quick check-ins allow us to reflect on our emotions, energy levels, and if needed, what we can do to shift our mood.

· Check out these “grab and go” feelings resources from SMHO to help us identify our moods: o Teddy Bear mood check-in: o Emoji mood check-in:

o Mood meter check-in: 

Adapted from SMHO’s “Daily Mood Check-In” activity (


Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer:

What are some feelings that I experience each day?

Why is it important to be able to identify my feelings?

What is something I can do to help manage my feelings?


Connecting to our faith:

We are all made in the image and likeness of God. As such, our emotions are part of how we have been created by Him. Taking time to check in with ourselves can help with self-awareness and remind us of our unique journey as we live in community with others.

“Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will have pain, but your pain will turn into joy.” (John 16:20)


Further Learning:

ADULT ARTICLE: “Try These Two Smart Ideas To Help You Master Your Emotions”

CHILDREN’S BOOK: Visiting Feelings by Lauren J. Rubenstein JD PsyD (Author), Shelly Hehenberger (Author) (link to SMHO read aloud version:


EDUCATOR RESOURCE: Breathing Strategies Virtual Field Trips o FDK/early years:

o Primary division:

o Junior divison: